Kalendari Klasik i Adventit


Kalendari Klasik i Adventit
Kalendari Klasik i Adventit
Kalendari Klasik i Adventit
Kalendari Klasik i Adventit
Çmimi i rregullt €154,00 Çmimi i ulur €69,00
TVSH e përfshirë. Transporti i llogaritur në dalje.




Vetëm 8 artikuj në stok!

Niseni numërimin mbrabsht drejt sezonit festiv me 24 surpriza për të përkëdhelur veten dhe njerëzit tuaj të zemrës. Zbuloni produktet tona ikonë për kujdesin e trupit, të fytyrës dhe për flokët si edhe një krem duarsh në formatin e madh. Ilustrimet magjepsëse të Eva Offredos do t'ju shoqërojnë në këtë rrugëtim për të zbuluar magjinë e natyrës përmes 4 stinëve.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Edita Jetishi

It had a lot of similar product also the normal size hand cream that was in the final day, it was in a different day in travel size. It didnt include lip care that i was really looking forward.

Dear Edita! We are so pleased you have received our advent calendar which is always a very good way to try all our best sellers and favourite products as selected from our amazing customers. To your correction, the 10ml Shea Hand Cream is of 20% shea classic cream and the normal size Shea Hand Cream is of 25% Shea Hand Balm cream - 2 different products. The similarity in L’Occitane products derives from the natural and organic ingredients that are used in our formulas. There are shampoos, and conditioners, and different types of soaps and creams. The selection is based on customers’ favourite products.
As for the lip care, there have been in other calendars we have in our stores. We invite you to come to our stores to get one lip balm mini for free for your pleasure.
Looking forward to your next visit.